Ladies Bible Study
The Titus Women Bible Study meets every second Saturday of the month from October to June. This year they are doing a study on Courageous Conquerors Through Christ. We are focusing on women in the Bible who were examples of the great faith which brought them through great trials. In June, a Ladies Meeting with lunch is planned so the ladies can invite other churches and minister to them. Teen girls and all adult women are invited.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study meets every fourth Saturday of the month from October to June. This year their studies have concentrated on the topic, Do Real Men Pray.
This ministry reaches out to teen boys, fathers, and adult men.
Children’s Sunday School
There are two divisions for elementary Sunday School classes. The 1st-3rd graders are in one group, and the 4th-6th graders are in another group. Our children are our future and it is important we make an impact on them early in life.
Teen Sunday School Church
All teens are grouped together for Sunday School and Church to study scripture and receive Biblical instruction on topics that are relevant to them. They are learning of the choices they must make to remain in the path of righteousness.
Adult Sunday School
The Men’s and Women’s Sunday School classes complete weekly studies in each book of the Bible.
New Member Discipleship Class
This class is for new members and new converts, has 16 lessons, and teaches the doctrines of our church.
All members are responsible for handing out tracts, inviting others to our services and sharing God’s Word. One of our Deacon’s in the process of organizing a regular visitation day.